Suicide Prevention

Suicide prevention was identified as a regional priority by all partners of the Nunavik health and social services network. A regional committee has developed a strategy and recommendations to reduce the number of suicides in Nunavik. Based on those recommendations, all partners are now in the phase of implementing specific initiatives.

To oversee the deployment of those initiatives, the Regional Suicide Prevention Committee ensures efficient coordination of all local and regional efforts.

Suicide-prevention initiatives and activities

Suicide-Prevention Liaison Workers (SPLWs)

Recently, two subregional positions in suicide prevention were created and two suicide-prevention liaison workers (SPLWs) were recruited (one in each health centre). Their mandate is to coordinate suicide-prevention efforts in the communities, organize various suicide-prevention initiatives, and support the communities, partners and local actors in designing locally adapted projects.

Applied Suicide-Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)®

ASIST® can be offered to caregivers so they can deal more effectively with an individual at risk of committing suicide. The training aims at developing competencies on: 1) how to recognize the risk of suicide; 2) how to interact effectively with the person at risk of committing suicide; and 3) how to support the person at risk in the search for help.

In Nunavik, a team of four Inuit certified trainers participates in the development and delivery of ASIST® workshops.

If you wish to organize an ASIST® workshop or if you have questions related to this program, do not hesitate to contact Martha Inukpuk-Iqaluk, SPLW, at (819) 254-8029 or at hyperlink will open in a new window

Puttautiit Conference: Nunavik Regional Healing Conference

Inspired by the Dialogue-for-Life conference in Montréal, the conference’s objectives are to increase public awareness, promote healing and well-being for community members, and provide an opportunity for interveners to receive support and training. The first Puttautiit conference was held in October 2015 in Puvirnituq.

Suicide-Mortality and Suicide-Attempt Monitoring System in Nunavik

A monitoring tool for interveners is being developed. The tool will help gather accurate and up-to-date data to support intervention and enhance future prevention strategies.

Other Ongoing Projects

  • Research project: Pathways to Resilience and Suicide Prevention
  • Development of a guide for community mobilization and training on best practices in suicide prevention adapted to Nunavik
  • Development of a regional suicide-prevention help line and an educational and intervention Web site

To learn more about other suicide-prevention initiatives, see www.ipqnunavik.comThis hyperlink will open in a new window


Nunavik Suicide Prevention Strategy

In 2018, a regional committee was created with the involvement of over 20 organizations and associations from Nunavik to work together on prioritizing suicide prevention. A strategy has been developed to provide a common vision, goal and structure on how to raise awareness and collective consciousness on suicide prevention.

5 main priorities:

  1. Healthy Development for Children and Youth
  2. Comprehensive Mental Health Support
  3. Inuit Self-Determination and Collaboration Across Nunavik
  4. Healing from Grief and Historical Trauma
  5. Inuit Knowledge Mobilization